Take Action: Create a Culture of Wellness

May 31, 2017

Looking to give wellness a try in your office? Here are six ways employers can create a successful wellness culture in the workplace:

  1. Get the Boss on Board

Company executives must be committed and show their full support of implementing a wellness program. This is vital to the success and development of the cause. A strong message or proof of reinforcement needs to be sent from an executive position that shows support of the new initiative. Employees are more likely to begin a change if their leader supports, believes, and actively participates in it.
  1. Round up a Committee

Get the word out and find coworkers that are passionate about making a difference in the health and wellness program within the organization. Find special interests of those who want to be involved and utilize them.  Consider looking for individuals who demonstrate cooking talents, a thorough understanding of exercise, or awareness of mental health strategies that can be resources for new ideas. It is important to find supporters who may not serve directly on the wellness committee but who will promote the activities the program develops.
  1. Assess the Current Situation

Become aware of the current health of those within your organization. In order to do this, get special access to certain “Health Risk Assessments” that analyze the percentages of the number of sick days employees take, turnover rates, health claims, and other pertinent information that will help guide the particular health initiatives being made.
  1. Provide Obtainable Goals

After assessing the health level of the workplace, use that as a guide to the steps needed to successfully reduce healthcare costs and increase workplace productivity.
  1. Give it a Kick Start!

The first place to start wellness change is within the office environment. Ensure that healthy food is provided in café areas. Additionally, provide different arrangements of ergonomics that encourage movement throughout and within the office.
  1. Beat the Odds

There are always people who may complain that a culture is too difficult to change. Small transformations make a difference. For example, although it may not be feasible to create an entire workout area for employees with treadmills and other fitness equipment, small changes such as access to stability balls or fitness bands can be an affordable choice that generates a similar outcome.

These minor changes help substantially, ultimately making a healthier work environment, resulting in higher productivity and employee satisfaction.