Weekly Wellbeing Resources: Working Moms, Unplugging and More!

March 8, 2021

When it comes to wellbeing, employers often find themselves challenged by how to approach a shift from a traditional wellness model to a comprehensive and holistic program that supports the whole person. Below you'll find this week’s curated list of wellbeing resources. Feel free to share these resources, as appropriate, with your team. Have a safe and healthy week!

Career Wellbeing

  • A World Without Email - How do we deal with the expectations of the inbox and still produce great work? Cal Newport is the author of the new book A World Without Email, in which he argues that there is a better way to work. On this podcast, he discusses his theory about why email is so destructive to workflow, and practical ways that we can improve our approach to creative work in a world that’s obsessed with immediate responses.

Social & Family Wellbeing
  • The Kids Aren’t Alright - The pandemic is taking its toll on children’s mental health. Many kids are struggling, and parents are struggling with knowing how to help them. In this incredibly helpful episode, child and family therapist, Jennifer Kolari, gives parents some important tips on how to soothe and comfort their kids while building their emotional resilience during these trying times.  This advice applies across age groups.

Financial Wellbeing
Physical Wellbeing
  • How to Stop Overeating During COVID-19 – In this masterclass, integrative dietician, Esther Blum, will discuss how to shut down sugar cravings in 3 days, how to create structure and accountability with eating, and how to have a healthy relationship with food and your body.  The class is free, but spaces are limited!

  • What to Do Before & After Daylight Saving to Minimize the Impact On Your Sleep – On average, people lose between 40-60 minutes of sleep on the night that we move the clocks forward which leaves people feeling groggy and irritable.  Here are some tips on what you can do before and after the clock moves ahead to minimize the impact.

Emotional Wellbeing
  • How I Unplug from Social Media in One Second – Mindful’s managing editor, Stephanie Domet, explains how she reclaimed ninety minutes a week from mindlessly scrolling through social media. Her secret: being reminded to take a deep breath.

  • 3 Simple Ways to Express Empathy in Your Next Conversation – While it may be easy to recognize when someone is having a difficult time, knowing what to say can be difficult.  Here are a few steps to maximize empathy when you are talking to a friend, family member, or colleague in need.

Community Wellbeing
  • 18 Ways Kindness Can Save Your Life and Change It for the Better – Cultivating kindness is an important part of wellbeing.  While kindness may have seemed in short supply at times in recent years, now is the perfect time to make it part of your daily routine.  As we know, kindness not only makes others feel better, but it also supports your own physical and mental wellbeing.  Here are some tips to make kindness a habit.

Employer Focused Wellbeing
  • Prepare for Job Turnover When the Crisis Stabilizes – Employees are burned out and stressed.  Managers are struggling.  This article talks about the observations seen by Humu, a company that uses artificial intelligence to analyze its client companies’ employee surveys and then give individuals in the organization “nudges,” or small things they can do to contribute to improving things. This insightful article highlights how employee needs have shifted during the pandemic then ties that into the primary levers that can address the current state.

  • Remote Work is the Cruel New Ally in the War on Working Moms – The pandemic has forced millions of women out of the workforce and reversed decades of progress towards gender equity.  While society continually shifts the burden to women to ‘make it all work’, what if we reassigned some of the responsibility to employers?  Here are some opportunities for leaders to design a more inclusive post-pandemic workplace.

  • Fostering Mentally Healthy Workplaces: Small Business Bootcamp – Mind Share Partners partnered with HP on their Small Business Bootcamp to create a printable guide for small business owners to foster a mentally healthy workplace.  You can download the guide here.