About Us

    Alera Group Pittsburgh is dedicated to understanding our clients' business needs, human resource objectives, financial goals, and long-term strategic plans. We strive to find new and innovative ways for employers to offer high quality, affordable benefits to their employees now and in the years to come.

    We focus on all areas of Employee Benefits, including, but not limited to:

    • Health and Welfare Benefits Consulting
    • Strategic Planning
    • Data Analytics
    • Cost Containment Strategies
    • HR Support
    • Compliance
    • Benefits & Administration Technology
    • Pharmacy Solutions
    • Human Capital Management
    • Specialty Programs
    • Ancillary/ Voluntary Benefits
    • Worksite Benefits

    Our consulting philosophy is to ensure our clients understand their funding options in their various lines of business. We not only illustrate fully insured proposals, but also specialize in self-funding. Clients who consider self-funding can select traditional self-funding options or choose from one of our captive models.

    National Scope.  Local Service.

    Why work with Alera Group Pittsburgh? Because we provide the best of both worlds – national scope combined with local service. Our mission is to transform the client experience by providing a greater depth and breadth of resources, innovative thinking, and constant collaboration, while maintaining strong local relationships.

    National Scope.

    Our clients benefit from our national resources and broad expertise. As an Alera Group company, we have the resources, technical expertise, and best practices of a larger national firm.

    Local Service.

    Alera Group Pittsburgh is dedicated to delivering exceptional client experiences and the best possible outcomes; positively impacting our employees, clients and the communities where we live and work.

    Work With Us

    At Alera Group, we are passionate about collaboration and growth. Enjoy working in a highly collaborative culture? Looking for an exciting environment that is constantly growing and improving? If you care about providing outstanding client service while serving local communities, then we may be looking for you.

    Explore Openings.

    Meet Our Team

    People you can count on. People you can trust.

    Don Balla

    Senior Vice President, Partner
    Don Balla

    Don Balla is a Senior Vice President and Partner of Alera Group Pittsburgh and has more than 27 years of experience in the insurance and financial services industry. Don has oversight of Sales & Marketing for the Western Pennsylvania marketplace.  Prior to selling his agency to Alera Group in 2017, He most recently served as Managing Principal of the Employee Benefits Division of Simpson & McCrady, LLC.  Under his leadership, Simpson & McCrady grew into a multi-line insurance advisory firm providing benefits, property and casualty, and risk management services.

    Balla earned his Bachelor of Administration degree in Business Administration and Economics from Grove City College.  Balla is currently serving on industry advisory boards for insurance companies.  Additionally, he serves/advises many charitable organizations.

    Susan Campbell

    VP, Client Operations
    Susan Campbell

    Susan Campbell is the VP, Client Experiences for the Alera Group Pittsburgh office.  Susan has been in the insurance industry for almost 30 years with a focus in client management. At Alera Group, she assists clients with:

    • Finding creative strategies to control employee benefit costs;
    • Compliance issues;
    • Utilizing Alera Group tools and services;
    • Promoting wellness strategies;
    • Everyday HR challenges regarding their benefits, and;
    • Providing updates on health care reform.

    Campbell earned her Bachelor of Arts in Communications with a concentration in Business from Mt. St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio. In addition, she has her Managed Health Professional (MHP) designation from America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), Group Benefits Disability Specialist designation and is licensed in Health and Accident, Life and Fixed Annuities.

    Tina Hapanowicz

    Senior Vice President, Partner
    Tina Hapanowicz

    Tina is a Senior VP, Partner of Alera Group Pittsburgh and has provided expertise in insurance benefits for more than 30 years. Her current role is to provide local corporate oversight of business matters and, along with local leadership, setting the strategic direction and growth for Western Pennsylvania. Prior to the formation of Alera Group, Tina was president of Coury Health Services, Inc. She worked with clients to understand their culture and business needs, then facilitated the development of the strategies required to improve the health and productivity of their workforce while allowing the employer to focus on their core business. As an original founding partner of Alera Group, she will continue to focus on our mission with emphasis on maintaining the mindset for quality customer experience and provide unlimited resources through collaboration to ensure delivered excellence and build long term relationships with our clients.

    Hapanowicz earned her Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh. She currently participates in the Alera’s Women’s Leadership Council and has sat on several carrier advisory boards in the past.

    Kevin Sweeney

    Senior Vice President, Partner
    Kevin Sweeney

    Kevin is a Senior Vice President and Partner of Alera Group Pittsburgh. His role is to assist in the development, growth, and execution of the company’s strategic plan.

    Kevin has been servicing employer groups since 1996 in Western Pennsylvania.  Kevin is an advocate for his customers, lobbying for them on both the state and federal level throughout his career. This expertise has placed him on multiple producer advisory boards, forums and focus groups and volunteer organizations. He has extensive background in the fiscal needs of plan performance, funding strategies and benefit solutions for mid, large and national accounts.

    Kevin is a graduate of Duquesne University and lives in Wexford with his wife and three children.


    Events and Webinars

    Employee Benefits

    Maximizing Impact: The Value of Voluntary Benefits for Today’s Workforce

    In this session, our experts will showcase the value of voluntary benefits, from financial savings to improved retention to addressing the specific needs of their employees.

    March 20, 2025 at 01:00 pm CT | Virtual

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    Employee Benefits

    HIPAA Privacy and Security Overview

    Join our compliance experts for an overview of HIPAA’s Privacy and Security Rules. During this webinar, we'll review the different types of entities subject to HIPAA, take an in-depth look at protected health information (PHI), individual rights under HIPAA and what to do when there is a breach of PHI.

    April 11, 2025 at 01:00 pm CT | Virtual

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    Alera Group webinar banner

    Employee Benefits

    Balancing Cost and Care: Could a Captive solution be the right fit for you?

    In this session, our experts will discuss how Captive solutions work and what you need to consider for your own group’s needs.

    April 17, 2025 at 01:00 pm CT | Virtual

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    Alera Group Engage webinar banner



    Employee Benefits

    Getting the Most From Your Voluntary Benefit Offerings

    Join Alera Group on Thursday, March 20, as we present the next in our Engage series of webinars, "Maximizing Impact: The Value of Voluntary Benefits for Today’s Workforce."

    March 6, 2025

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    Employee Benefits

    Building Connections To Support Employee Mental Health

    Mental Health Awareness Month begins in May, but to emphasize mental wellbeing as a year-round priority, Alera Group is getting an early start on distributing our new Mental Health Awareness Toolkit. Designed and refined by our Wellbeing team, the Toolkit is an employer resource to help you and your employees adopt healthy activities, build social connections and erode stigmas that have long hampered discussion of mental health.

    March 4, 2025

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    Employee Benefits

    Weighty Matter: Obesity, GLP-1s and the Rising Cost of Healthcare

    Obesity and health problems associated with it — including heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, several types of cancer, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and more — are primary factors that must be considered as employers seek to contain healthcare costs for their employers, as well as for themselves.

    February 26, 2025

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    Employee Benefits

    Reminder: RxDC Reporting Due June 1

    With the 2024 reference year RxDC reporting deadline approaching in June, plan sponsors should refamiliarize themselves with the reporting requirements. The 2024 reference year RxDC Reporting Instructions have been released, though there were no changes to the reporting requirements or data elements from last year.

    February 10, 2025

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