Leighona Curry
Benefit ManagerLeighona is the Benefits Manager, as such she manages a small team of Benefits Analysts. She is responsible for developing and implementing training programs. She acts as a liaison for clients in all aspects of their benefits programs, including but not limited to responding to benefit inquires, assisting with claims, eligibility and enrollments, open enrollment and renewals. She also acts as the HRIS/Benefits database expert.
Rules to live by? Treat people with dignity and respect. Do not judge others for any reason. Be thankful for every day; someone else was not so fortunate.
Favorite place to visit? Knoebels Campground and Amusement Park, Elysburg, PA
Favorite movie? Wizard of Oz
Weirdest thing you have ever eaten? Conch
Favorite movie quote? “You can’t handle the truth”