Alera Group Insights

Perspectives from our thought leaders and experts across the country.


Property and Casualty

Agriculture Insurance Necessity: Inform the Underwriters

Even the record rainfall that doused much of California in October 2021 couldn’t quell fears of enduring drought and new wildfires, particularly in the southern part of the state. That’s certainly the case among insurance underwriters, who have become increasingly reluctant to approve property and casualty (P&C) coverage for individuals and businesses in Southern California, including those in the agriculture industry.

November 5, 2021

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Property and Casualty

Education, mitigation the keys to ransomware risk management and cyber expenses

No cybersecurity program is invulnerable to ransomware or other form of attack. No firewall is impenetrable, no organization immune to breach.

The most sophisticated cybercriminals typically are a step or two ahead of the world’s foremost security experts and light years beyond the general public — hence the time-worn saying that an attack isn’t a matter of “if”; it’s a matter of “when.” The best we can do is to mitigate the risk of attack, protecting ourselves with cybersecurity products, policies and procedures, along with a custom-designed program of cyber insurance.

October 15, 2021

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Property and Casualty

Key Component of Construction Risk Management: Builders’ Risk Insurance

If you’re commencing on a construction project, there basically are two ways you can look at Builders’ Risk Insurance:

As a necessary evil;

As valuable protection against the myriad risks inherent in construction, from the start of the project until an agreed-to point of completion.

Which view you adopt may prove to be a major factor in whether your business succeeds or fails.

September 20, 2021

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Property and Casualty

Craft Beverage Makers Require a Finely Crafted Insurance Program

When you work closely with decision-makers in the craft beverage industry, two conclusions become readily apparent:

They’re driven by passion — not only for their products, but for the people they work with and serve;

They care deeply about running their business the right way, and that includes valuing relationships with the trusted advisers who serve them.

September 8, 2021

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Property and Casualty

Rethinking Your Business’ Insurance: The Captive Option

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many facets of our life and forced us to rethink what we consider normal. There have been many things we have had to change about our lives over the course of the pandemic.

August 30, 2021

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Property and Casualty

After Surfside, Heightened Focus on Condo Association Insurance

In a perfect world, condominium associations would hire a structural engineer to inspect their property every couple of years. The engineer would inform the association of any compromises to the building’s structural integrity or electrical system, and the association’s board of directors would authorize repairs in timely fashion, simultaneously managing risk and controlling costs —including the cost of condo association insurance.

August 17, 2021

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Property and Casualty

On the turbulent sea that is the current Property and Casualty Insurance market, Surety has been a stable and steady vessel. Even amid the storm of disruptions caused by COVID-19, Surety bonds have continued to provide safe transport to projects embarking

Amid the pandemic-induced confusion over Business Interruption Insurance, one immutable fact about this form of Property and Casualty coverage too often is overlooked: It provides valuable protection that can make the difference between going out of business and re-opening to carry on your business’ legacy.

August 5, 2021

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Property and Casualty

Cargo Insurance: The Shipper vs. Carrier Decision

If you’re a manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler or retailer whose business involves the shipment of goods, your principal decision regarding Cargo Insurance shouldn’t be whether to purchase the coverage, but from whom — the shipper or an insurance carrier?

July 21, 2021

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Property and Casualty

Natural Partners: Insurers and Cleantech Companies

Shared values can unite people and motivate them to work together toward a common goal. Shared recognition of an existential threat, an understanding of the risks involved and basic pragmatism may be even stronger motivators.

July 15, 2021

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