Raleigh, NC


Events and Webinars

Employee Benefits

Collaborative Conversations: 2025 - What to Expect and What You Need to Know

Save the date for a conversation in September where we will discuss the impending PLO changes by BOLI and the Employment Department, their impacts, and other critical considerations.

September 12, 2024 at 08:30 am PT | Virtual

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Employee Benefits

Is Tech-Enabled Brokerage Right for You?

Our experts will lay out what tech-enabled brokerage is, how it works and why it makes sense for the right organizations.

September 19, 2024 at 01:00 pm CT | Virtual

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Webinar graphic - Alera Engage

Employee Benefits

Meeting the Needs of an Aging Workforce

Our experts will provide tips and insights about how to incorporate Medicare, menopause benefits, retirement, communications best practices and other hot topics for older workers into your program successfully and without breaking the bank.

October 17, 2024 at 01:00 pm CT | Virtual

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Webinar Graphic - Alera Engage



Property and Casualty

Workers’ Compensation: Stable market with emerging challenges from mental health claims

Despite pressure from medical inflation, increases in fee schedules on medical procedures and wage inflation affecting premiums and benefits, Workers’ Compensation remains a stable and profitable line for insurers. This stability allows buyers favorable conditions, such as ample capacity and stable rates. However, a new trend is emerging: the inclusion of mental health claims as compensable workers’ compensation.

August 28, 2024

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Property and Casualty

Relief from the high cost of wind/hail insurance

Commercial real estate (CRE) owners must ensure they are adequately covered, but many face high wind/hail deductibles when renewing their Property Insurance policies. This is where Wind/Hail Deductible Buyback insurance policies come in, providing a solution that meets lender requirements and offers peace of mind during turbulent times.

August 22, 2024

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Property and Casualty

Diverging Outlook on Manufacturing Insurance

The manufacturing industry continues to face a complex insurance landscape in 2024, with some areas showing signs of stability while others remain more challenging.

August 7, 2024

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Property and Casualty

The Importance of P&C Insurance in Physician Group Acquisitions

Risks involving patients as well as practicing physicians make it imperative that groups positioning themselves for acquisition fortify themselves with a program of robust risk management and customized property and casualty (P&C) insurance.

July 29, 2024

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